
This chapter explains how to build and install the library.

Using Alire

The Ada Database Objects library is available as several Alire crates to simplify the installation and setup your project. Run the following commands to setup your project to use the library:

alr index --update-all
alr with ado

The database drivers for SQLite, MySQL and SQLite are provided as separate crates. Choose the database drivers you want to use and run one or some of the following commands:

alr with ado_sqlite
alr with ado_mysql
alr with ado_postgresql

Without Alire

Database Driver Installation

The PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite development headers and runtime are necessary for building the ADO driver. The configure script will use them to enable the ADO drivers. The configure script will fail if it does not find any database driver.


MySQL Development installation

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

MariaDB Development installation

sudo apt-get install mariadb-client libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev

SQLite Development installation

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

PostgreSQL Development installation

sudo apt-get install postgresql-client libpq-dev


It is recommended to use msys2 available at and use the pacman command to install the required packages.

pacman -S git
pacman -S make
pacman -S unzip
pacman -S base-devel --needed
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-sqlite3

For Windows, the installation is a little bit more complex and manual. You may either download the files from MySQL and SQLite download sites or you may use the files provided by Ada Database Objects in the win32 directory.

For Windows 32-bit, extract the files:

cd win32 && unzip

For Windows 64-bit, extract the files:

cd win32 && unzip

If your GNAT 2019 compiler is installed in C:/GNAT/2019, you may install the liblzma, MySQL and SQLite libraries by using msys cp with:

cp win32/*.dll C:/GNAT/2019/bin
cp win32/*.dll C:/GNAT/2019/lib
cp win32/*.lib C:/GNAT/2019/lib
cp win32/*.a C:/GNAT/2019/lib

Before Building

Before building ADO, you will need:

First get, build and install the XML/Ada and then get, build and install the Ada Utility Library.


The library uses the configure script to detect the build environment, check which databases are available and configure everything before building. If some component is missing, the configure script will report an error. The configure script provides several standard options and you may use:

  • --prefix=DIR to control the installation directory,
  • --with-mysql=PATH to control the path where mysql_config is installed,
  • --with-ada-util=PATH to control the installation path of Ada Utility Library,
  • --enable-mysql to enable the support for MySQL,
  • --enable-postgresql to enable the support for PostgreSQL,
  • --enable-sqlite to enable the support for SQLite,
  • --enable-shared to enable the build of shared libraries,
  • --disable-static to disable the build of static libraries,
  • --enable-distrib to build for a distribution and strip symbols,
  • --disable-distrib to build with debugging support,
  • --enable-coverage to build with code coverage support (-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage),
  • --help to get a detailed list of supported options.

In most cases you will configure with the following command:



After configuration is successful, you can build the library by running:


After building, it is good practice to run the unit tests before installing the library. The unit tests are built and executed using:

make test

And unit tests are executed by running the bin/ado_harness test program. A configuration file is necessary to control the test parameters including the test database to be used. To run the tests with a MySQL database, use the following command:

bin/ado_harness -config

and with a SQLite database, use the following command:

bin/ado_harness -config


The installation is done by running the install target:

make install

If you want to install on a specific place, you can change the prefix and indicate the installation direction as follows:

make install prefix=/opt


To use the library in an Ada project, add the following line at the beginning of your GNAT project file:

with "ado";
with "ado_all";

It is possible to use only a specific database driver, in that case your GNAT project file could be defined as follows:

with "ado";
with "ado_mysql";
with "ado_sqlite";
with "ado_postgresql";

where the ado_mysql, ado_sqlite and ado_postgresql are optional and included according to your needs.