
This small tutorial explains how an application can access a database (PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite) to store its data by using the Ada Database Objects framework. The framework has several similarities with the excellent Hibernate Java framework.

The ADO framework is composed of:

  • A code generator provided by Dynamo,
  • A core runtime,
  • A set of database drivers (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite).

The tutorial application is a simple user management database which has only one table.

Defining the data model

The first step is to design the data model. You have the choice with:

  • Using an UML modeling tool such as ArgoUML,
  • Writing an XML file following the Hibernate description,
  • Writing a YAML description according to the Doctrine mapping.

In all cases, the model describes the data table as well as how the different columns are mapped to an Ada type. The model can also describe the relations between tables. XML and YAML data model files should be stored in the db directory.

Let's define a mapping for a simple user table and save it in db/user.hbm.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hibernate-mapping default-cascade="none">
    <class name="Samples.User.Model.User"
           table="user" dynamic-insert="true" dynamic-update="true">
        <comment>Record representing a user</comment>
        <id name="id" type="ADO.Identifier" unsaved-value="0">
            <comment>the user identifier</comment>
            <column name="id" not-null="true" unique="true" sql-type="BIGINT"/>
            <generator class="sequence"/>
        <version name="version" type="int" column="object_version" not-null="true"/>
        <property name="name" type="String">
            <comment>the user name</comment>
            <column name="name" not-null="true" unique="false" sql-type="VARCHAR(256)"/>
        <property name="email" type="String" unique='true'>
            <comment>the user email</comment>
            <column name="email" not-null="true" unique="false" sql-type="VARCHAR(256)"/>
        <property name="date" type="String">
            <comment>the user registration date</comment>
            <column name="date" not-null="true" unique="false" sql-type="VARCHAR(256)"/>
        <property name="description" type="String">
            <comment>the user description</comment>
            <column name="description" not-null="true" unique="false" sql-type="VARCHAR(256)"/>
        <property name="status" type="Integer">
            <comment>the user status</comment>
            <column name="status" not-null="true" unique="false" sql-type="Integer"/>

The YAML description is sometimes easier to understand and write and the content could be saved in the db/users.yaml file.

  type: entity
  table: user
  description: Record representing a user
  hasList: true
      type: identifier
      column: id
      not-null: true
      unique: true
      description: the user identifier
      type: integer
      column: object_version
      not-null: true
      version: true
      unique: false
      type: string
      length: 255
      column: name
      not-null: true
      unique: false
      description: the user name
      type: string
      length: 255
      column: email
      not-null: true
      unique: false
      description: the user email
      type: string
      length: 255
      column: date
      not-null: true
      unique: false
      description: the user registration date
      type: string
      length: 255
      column: description
      not-null: true
      unique: false
      description: the user description
      type: integer
      column: status
      not-null: true
      unique: false
      description: the user status

These XML and YAML mapping indicate that the database table user is represented by the User tagged record declared in the Samples.User.Model package. The table contains a name, description, email and a date column members which are a string. It also has a status column which is an integer. The table primary key is represented by the id column. The version column is a special column used by the optimistic locking.

Generating the Ada model and SQL schema

The Dynamo code generator is then used to generate the package and Ada records that represent our data model. The generator also generates the database SQL schema so that tables can be created easily in the database.

dynamo generate db

The generator will build the package specification and body for Samples.User.Model package. The files are created in src/model to make it clear that these files are model files that are generated. The database table user is represented by the Ada tagged record User_Ref. The record members are not visible and to access the attributes it is necessary to use getter or setter operations.

The SQL files are generated for every supported database in the db/mysql, db/sqlite and db/postgresql directories. The generator generates two SQL files in each directory:

  • A first SQL file that allows to create the tables in the database. The file name uses the pattern create-name-driver.
  • A second SQL file that contains DROP statements to erase the database tables. The file name uses the pattern drop-name-driver.

When you modify the UML, XML or YAML model files, you should generate again the Ada and SQL files. Even though these files can be generated, it is recommended to store these generated files in a versioning systems such as git because this helps significantly in tracking changes in the data model.

Getting a Database Connection

To access the database, we will need a database connection. These connections are obtained from a factory and they are represented by a session object.

The session factory is the entry point to obtain a database session.

with ADO.Sessions;
with ADO.Sessions.Factory;
   Factory : ADO.Sessions.Factory.Session_Factory;

The factory can be initialized by giving a URI string that identifies the driver and the information to connect to the database. Once created, the factory returns a session object to connect to that database. To connect to another database, another factory is necessary.

To get access to a MySQL database, the factory could be initialized as follows:

   ADO.Sessions.Factory.Create (Factory, "mysql://localhost:3306/ado_test?user=test");

And to use an SQLite database, you could use:

   ADO.Sessions.Factory.Create (Factory, "sqlite:///tests.db");

For a PostgreSQL database, the factory would look like:

   ADO.Sessions.Factory.Create (Factory, "postgresql://localhost:5432/ado_test?user=test");

Factory initialization is done once when an application starts. The same factory object can be used by multiple tasks.

Opening a Session

The session is created by using the Get_Session or the Get_Master_Session function of the factory. Both function return a session object associated with a database connection. The Get_Session will return a Session object which is intended to provide read-only access to the database. The Get_Master_session returns a Master_Session object which provides a read-write access to the database.

In a typical MySQL Master/Slave replication, the Master_Session will refer to a connection to the MySQL master while the Session will refer to a slave. With an SQLite database, both sessions will in fact share the same SQLite internal connection.

To load or save the user object in the database, we need a Master_Session database connection:

with ADO.Sessions;
  Session : ADO.Sessions.Master_Session := Factory.Get_Master_Session;

Creating a database record

To create our first database record, we will declare a variable that will represent the new database record. The User_Ref represents a reference to such record.

with Samples.User.Model;
  User : Samples.User.Model.User_Ref

After this declaration, the variable does not refer to any database record but we can still set some fields:

  User.Set_Name ("Harry");
  User.Set_Age (17);

To save the object in the database, we just need to call the Save operation. To save the object, we need a database session that is capable of updating and inserting new rows. If the object does not yet have a primary key, and if the primary key allocation mode is set to hilo, the ADO runtime will allocate a new unique primary key before inserting the new row.

  User.Save (Session);

The primary key can be obtained after the first Save with the following operation:

  Id : ADO.Identifier := User.Get_Id;

Loading a database record

Loading a database record is quite easy and the ADO framework proposes two mechanisms. First, let's declare our user variable:

  Harry : User_Ref;

Then we can load the user record from the primary key identifier (assuming the identifier is ''23''):

  Harry.Load (Session, 23);

If the user cannot be found, the Load operation will raise the NOT_FOUND exception.

In many cases, we may not know the primary key but a search on one or several columns may be necessary. For this, we can create a query filter and use the Find operation. To use a query filter, we need first to declare a Query object:

with ADO.SQL;
  Query : ADO.SQL.Query;

On the query object, we have to define the filter which represents the condition and set the possible parameters used by the filter.

  Query.Bind_Param (1, "Harry");
  Query.Set_Filter ("name = ?"); 

Once the query is defined and initialized, we can find the database record:

  Found : Boolean;
  User.Find (Session, Query, Found);

Unlike the Load operation, Find does not raise an exception but instead returns a boolean value telling whether the record was found or not. The database query (and filter) has to return exactly one record to consider the object as found.

Getting a list of objects

When several records have to be read, it is necessary to use the List operation together with a vector object.

  Users : User_Vector;

The List operation gets the vector object, the database session and the query filter. If the vector contained some elements, they are removed and replaced by the query result.

  List (Users, Session, Query);

Running SQL queries

Sometimes it is necessary to execute SQL queries to be able to get the result without having it to be mapped to an Ada record. For this, we are going to use the ADO.Statements

with ADO.Statements;
   Statement : ADO.Statements.Query_Statement := Session.Create_Statement ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user");

and then execute it and retrieve the result.

   if not Statement.Has_Elements then
      Put_Line ("SQL count() failed")
      Put_Line (Integer'Image (Statement.Get_Integer (0)));
   end if;